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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ssssst.. New Ubuntu 8.10 was released .. !!

After alpha 6, beta 1, and Release Candidate 1 version, finally Ubuntu 8.10 was released on 30 October 2008. It is available in a lot of the mirrors all of the world. Codename for ubuntu 8.10 is called Interpid Ibex. Everything began on 20 February, when Mark Shuttleworth announced Interpid Ibex, that is the next major release of Ubuntu Linux . This release is also to celebrate the 4th years from the first release, Ubuntu 4.10.
Mark Shuttleworth said the he would like each person can bring from the office, home, and any place, so stay connected satau another.
The latest Dekstop Environment in Ubuntu 8.10 is GNOME 2.24.1, that brought many new features that are very helpful. Like, the smart terminal. It is called smart terminal because, for example, when users open a terminal on the desktop screen (using the nautilus-open-terminal extension), the path will be the one with the desktop, not for the Home. Now users can mount the file archives, and the ISO file. Some of the new administration utility system, like the USB Startup Disk, and Synaptic 0.62.1. This version also has included a number of games for all ages.




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